Measuring website usage and tracking
Montemedia AG does not collect personally identifiable information (PII) from your visit to its domains, including but not limited to (hereinafter referred to as other than information that you voluntarily supply. We fully support opt-out frameworks and provide full disclosure of our activities to clients and data subjects.
How cookies are used on puts small files (known as 'cookies') onto your computer to collect information about how you browse the site.
Cookies are used to:
- measure how you use the website so it can be updated and improved based on your needs
- remember the notifications you've seen so that we don't show them to you again
- licencing the webfont from MyFonts cookies aren't used to identify you personally.
Find out more about how to manage cookies and about possible ad technology providers tracking (.csv).
We use analytics software to measure website usage and collect information about how you use Analytics software on is only Google Analytics. We do this to help make sure the site is meeting the needs of its users and to help us make improvements.
Analytics software stores information about:
- the pages you visit on
- how long you spend on each page
- how you got to the site
- what you click on while you're visiting the site
We don't collect or store your personal information (e.g. your name or address) so this information can't be used to identify who you are.
We don't allow the analytics software to use or share our analytics data.
Multivariate testing
We sometimes test different versions of pages with different users to see which work better. We'll save a cookie so that you consistently see the same version when browsing
Online privacy and display advertising
With online privacy as Montemedia's primary concern, recommends initiatives for self-regulation and laws throughout its markets, such as the regulations of the World Wide Web (W3) group, Privacy Preferences Projects (P3P), Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) Good Practice Principles for Online Behavioural Advertising (OBA), the European Union e-Privacy Directive or UK's Information Commissioners Office.
Montemedia uses internationally active online marketing technologies to operate its online marketing measures (e.g. online banner ads). These technologies use cookies to be able to focus marketing measures on the identifiable needs of customers. You can set opt-out Cookies to prevent these online marketing technologies from placing Cookies on your computer and collecting data.
We act on the basis of only processing pseudonymous data, which means that no directly identifiable data is allowed into our platform. Our platform automatically rejects directly identifiable data points such as names, email addresses, phone numbers etc. Our databases are scanned frequently for data violations both manually and through intelligent algorithms. Furthermore, several technological measures like IP truncation is enforced automatically and through violation scans. Our technology partners are mostly ISO 27001 certified annually which demonstrates that the data security and processes required by the GDPR are in place.
Please be aware that:
We need to set an anonymous «opt-out» cookie to indicate your decision not to be tracked. Your opt-out will remain in effect only as long as this cookie is present in your browser and accessible to our servers.
Cookies are browser and device specific – opting out of tracking on this browser and device does not affect your settings on a secondary device and / or browser
Some browsers (e.g. Safari) limit cookie functionalities by default – in consequence your opt-out may not work as intended.
When you opt-out, any data we hold will be disassociated from your browser and device and not used for ad targeting anymore. You will still continue to see advertising – it may just be less relevant and useful to you than before.
You can «opt-out» from having cookies stored on your device when ads are shown from the Montemedia AdServing system. To «opt-out» click the button below and follow the next step. You will then have a cookie which indicates to our system not to write any cookies when displaying ads.
Alternatively, you may control your privacy settings (additionally recommended) by using the NAI or DAA Opt-out Tool which allows consumers to opt-out of the behavioral advertising delivered by NAI or DAA member companies, respectively.
> DAA opt-out service | > NAI opt-out Service | > EDAA opt-out service | > Cookie Policy | > Digital fingerprinting
Advertising finances the free and quality of the internet
However, you will still see as many ads. They will just be far more likely to be less targeted and irrelevant to you. Also, if you opt-out, you may be making it harder for your favorite websites or apps (so called publisher) to survive. This is because advertisers pay a higher price to deliver a tailored ad and your favorite website/app usually depends the income to continue producing the content free of charge. The publisher usually generates a higher income by showing tailored ads on their properties.
Studies (e.g. DAA Study (PDF) or NAI Study (PDF) have shown that a significant portion of a publisher's revenue can come from tailored advertising, and this is particularly true for smaller websites. You might use any kind of ad blocker in case you really don't want to see any online advertising.
You should upgrade your web browser (the software you use to access the internet) if it's out of date.
Upgrading to a newer browser will mean:
- your computer will be more secure and less likely to be attacked
- it will be faster to browse the internet
- you will see more features on many websites
You can check online if your browser is up-to-date.
Multiple ways to delete cookies in every major browser.
How to Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments about our terms of use or this site, please contact at any time.
> Contact form
Zurich, May 1st, 2013
Montemedia AG
Impact Hub
Sihlquai 131
CH-8005 Zurich
+41 44 515 45 06
Montemedia AG, (Montemedia SA), (Montemedia Ltd.), UID: CHE-268.226.185, Reference #: CH02030390901
«Here, take a cookie. I promise by the time you're done eating it, you'll feel right as rain.» - Oracle (The Matrix, 1999)
«Cookies need love like everything does.» - Oracle (The Matrix Revolutions, 2003)